Academic Division

Academic Division 2014

1461 01 8RFrom left to right

Debi Mahardika, Bagus Rachmad Irwansyah, Frisca Marina Renandia (Student Advisor), Nicolas Jalu Pangesty (Head of Academic Division)

Academic Division 2013 

academic division 2013

             Academic division has purposes to increase the member of AAPG Diponegoro University’s english ability and their knowledge about geoscience specially petroleum. But in the other hand, I also want to increase their softskills. Because we realize that a great geologist is not only a person who has a high geoscience knowledge, but also a person who has good softskills and a good speaker whom speak fluently with people, even foreign people, and he/she can explain what his/her mean so the other people can be persuated and have a same idea.

1. Test Of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) to gain sertificate

The goals of this agenda is enhance member’s ability both technical writing and speaking foreign language (in this case is English). Then, this agenda is not only to measure member’s TOEFL score, but also to help nonmember to join the test and mastered the TOEFL and fulfill the bachelor graduation task by obtaining TOEFL score 450 or more and listed or proven on the certificate. Then when the graduation moment, participants shouldn’t do the the test anymore. I plan it will be held on December.

But to prepare for this agenda, I will make all of the member, even nonmember who interest to join this agenda, should attend TOEFL exercises to meke them ready and feel an athmosphere like a real TOEFL Test.

2. Presentation skill

Presentation skill is academic agenda that has a purpose to increase member’s speaking skill to be a good presentator. As we know that great geologists should be capable to explain our idea and persuade the others so that they can accept ours. I think that we can explore our speaking ability by doing a little thing like this agenda. We don’t need much money, much time, but we can get such a great positive thing.

3. Appraisal Course Form and Resume Course Form

This agenda has issued by academic division 2010 lead by Mr. Novandi Kusuma Prasetya Wangsadia, so we just continue this agenda for this year, 2011. These form objected to all participants of the lectures, short courses, and courses, not only to evaluate the speakers’s ability in extend materials but also to measure the participants’s understand the themes. This consists of several questions that have to be filled and checked by participants to give values to the speaker. The committee should evaluate how good speaker gives presentation from participants’s opinion.

4. Collecting all of the material each lecture, short course, course, fieldtrip, even national seminar from spakers that held by AAPG UNDIP SC

Actually, this is not agenda, but it is a duty and job of academic divison to collect all of the material each lecture, short course, course, fieldtrip, even national seminar from spakers that held by AAPG UNDIP SC, such us power point material (matery that presented by the spaker) then burn it into a CD, an exercises paper, nad many other. The purpose is to arrange and for our documentation from each event so that the member who want to access data, they can get them easily. And for non-member also want them, they should be permit from AAPG UNDIP SC’s member.

5. Gathering

This agenda will be held once a month to make a good relationship between the member in academic divison, so if we have a good relationship, we can work well as a team.

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